Your Campaign
With larger charitable organizations, the donor does not have control over how their donation is spent, nor do they know on what specific cause/person it is spent on. With Asha-Jyothi (AJ), you, the donor, can identify the beneficiary/cause that you want your money to be directed to as long as they meet the AJ guidelines. This is called “Your Campaign”.
- Example 1: if you know a kid whose parents can’t support his education and you want to sponsor, you may choose to do so with the money you donate and if you fall short, AJ will contribute to some extent to help bridge the gap.
- Example 2: If you want to improve or provide for the school you studied in, you can work with AJ to create a webpage, help fund raise, solicit donations from friends and family.
AJ Team will work with each of the Champions to ensure that “Your Campaign” is successfully executed. AJ wants and encourages individuals to not only donate but also personally be involved in choosing the beneficiary.