The Mission to Empower Rural Women: Sewing Machines for Poor Women (SM4PW)

The SM4PW campaign, spearheaded by Dr. Sree Padma, Ph.D., is a beacon of hope for rural
women. It is a dedicated effort to make these women financially independent, providing them
opportunities for a better quality of life. This campaign, part of the broader efforts of The Mother
Theresa Charitable Trust, has been a game-changer for many women in Mylavaram, Krishna
District, Andhra Pradesh.

We have sought your support twice in the past couple of years to empower poor women and
enable them to stand on their own feet. Your generous donations have blessed rural women in
three villages, who are deeply grateful for the assistance. Your contributions have made a
significant difference in their lives, especially during times of calamity when families lose their
primary earners.
The Trust, with its unwavering commitment, has been training poor women in and around
Mylavaram Mandalam. This initiative is one of many charitable activities, including care for the
elderly and children with disabilities, undertaken by the Trust with funding from the government
and private individuals.
However, the above funding sources do not cover the cost of providing sewing machines to those
trained. The women in Devuni Cheruvu, Mylavaram are determined to use their training to
provide financial support to their families. They are requesting to provide funds to buy sewing
machines. Therefore, we appeal to your generosity. Our goal is to cover half the cost of the
machines, encouraging the trained women to raise the remaining half. The cost breakdown is as
Each Machine: Rs. 10,200 x 100 = Rs. 1020,000
Transport: Rs. 11,000
Fitting: Rs. 300 x 100 = 30000
Total: Rs. 1061,000 / 83.77 = USD 12,665
Our Fundraising Goal: Rs. 530,500 = USD 6,333