Empowering Every Step: Supporting Clubfoot-Free Lives in India

The Servetogether Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to realizing the vision of “A Clubfoot Disability-Free India.” Their mission focuses on reaching out to...

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Library Project for Thiruppangali Govt HS

Nila and Mika,10th grade students at Chantilly High School, are very passionate about volunteering and giving back. Nila over her summer trip to India,...

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In Loving Memory of Anjali : Gerizim Rehabilitation Center Campaign

Anjali was a vibrant soul who embraced life with enthusiasm and a smile that could brighten the darkest of days. She had a passion...

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Chaitanya Institute for the Learning Disabled Campaign

About Chaitanya Institute: Chaitanya Institute for Learning Disabled, a charitable non profit social servicing organization that was originally founded in the year 1996, by...

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Vizianagaram Health Clinics

Asha Jyothi Health Clinics Program Asha Jyothi is dedicated to supporting health clinics in rural areas with a commitment of Rs.3 Lakhs. These clinics...

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Madhira Medical Campaign

Ongoing Medical Campaign in Madhira Since its inception three years ago, the Asha Jyothi organization, along with the support of Kona Lakshmi Mohan Rao...

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Project Spark Education Campaign

Project Spark: Transforming Education for Underprivileged Students Asha Jyothi has taken a great stride in the field of education with their innovative program, Project...

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Bala-Badi (Pre-School) campaign

Project : To support education for two pre schools in the underprivileged area of Vizainagaram managed by Sodhana About Sodhana and Projects:To address the...

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Sri Sai Vidya Dhamam High School education campaign

Project : The goal of this project is to fund two teachers with a cost of Rs.3Lakhs for Sri Sai Vidya Dhamam school About...

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Mahima Ministries School – Upgrading Class Rooms Project

Mahima Ministries is a non-government organization dedicated to the care of orphans & abandoned children, Mentally ill and destitute elderly adults, HIV/AIDS patients without...

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