Ways to volunteer
At Asha-Jyothi we are always in need of help. While we are fortunate to have the support and trust of many volunteers, there can never be too many. Volunteering in any form is a great learning experience especially for kids, its humbling, teaches them art of convincing or to...
At Asha-Jyothi we are always in need of help. While we are fortunate to have the support and trust of many volunteers, there can never be too many. Volunteering in any form is a great learning experience especially for kids, its humbling, teaches them art of convincing or to handle rejection. We highly recommend trying all the below at least once. 🙂
Sponsorship and Corporate Partnership
- * Seek Sponsorship from small business, entrepreneur friends. Here is the 2019 email template to use (please copy AJ team) and the sponsor levels document
- * Add AJ 5K Run/Walk to your corporate events calendar
Make Calls! Magic happens.

A simple act of calling and asking for donations goes a long way. Most local business and restaurants are very generous. They will give instantly if young volunteers ask.
- * Call and request for gift cards or in-kind donations (see doc) (PF Changs, Dunkin Donuts).
- * Request gift cards via snail mail local restaurants (Cheese cake factory)
- * Apply online for donations (Panera, Gaint)
Its the simple stuff …(to spread the word)
- * Share and like Asha-Jyothi on Facebook and instagram
- * Share 2019 AJ brochure, Run event link via WhatsApp with your friends and network
- * Subscribe to AJ newsletter. Join AJ WhatsApp group
- * Print and ask your kids to put AJ flier in all the mail boxes in the community along with their friends (outdoor activity, away from their devices 🙂 )
- * Coordinate with other kids on days to wear AJ t-shirt to school from school start to AJ run day(about 2 weeks). Its a great way to spread awareness and get your friends to sign up 🙂
- * Encourage your child to write with washable crayons , AJ Run info on the back of your car. A carwash will easily remove it. See below

Partnership with local schools
- * Request AJ Team to send the partnership email to your kids school PTA and Principal about fundraising with Asha-Jyothi
- * Share with your childs` school about building Makerspace/Innovation lab in their school
- * Pick a project in your child’s school and partner with AJ
Year round AJ activities
- * Website updates
- * Campaign updates – working with India volunteer to organize pictures on google drive and doing a quick write up about the work on AJ website
- * Dispatch monthly Newsletter
- * Need your creativity to design fliers, brochures, ways to Thanks volunteers/sponsors/donors year after year
- * Need design skills to design AJ medal for the 5K Run/Walk
Yawn! Need to do the grunt work too
The below are needed for the Fairfax 5K Run/Walk at Fairfax Corner
- * Apply for police permission(3 months to race date)
- * Apply for VDOT permission (2 months to race date)
- * Apply for special zoning permit (1 month to race date)
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