Restoring Vision, Transforming Lives
Restoring Vision, Transforming Lives Cataracts can be cured with a simple surgery, but for the underprivileged, it’s a daunting burden. That’s why we’ve partnered...
Empowering Education: The Neerukulla Project
In the heart of Telangana’s Karimnagar district lies Neerukulla, a small village. The Neerukulla Project, a non-profit initiative, is dedicated to enhancing the educational...
AJ Initiative: Healing Hands led by Manishka Sharma
Hello, my name is Manishka, and I would like to announce a new initiative under the Asha Jyothi umbrella; Healing Hands. This project aims...
AJ & Devereux Empower Special Needs Kids
Asha-Jyothi PA Chapter has partnered with Devereux, a Leading National Behavioral Healthcare Provider to support special needs kids while developing the AJ youth team’s...
The Mission to Empower Rural Women: Sewing Machines for Poor Women (SM4PW)
The SM4PW campaign, spearheaded by Dr. Sree Padma, Ph.D., is a beacon of hope for ruralwomen. It is a dedicated effort to make these...
Funding for Savitribai Phule Memorial School – Bahuarwa Foundation, Bihar
Savitribai Phule Memorial school is a free school for some of the most marginalized children in Bahuarwa village in Darbhanga district, Bihar. This school...